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Archive of: 2020

Remote working is the new norm for many businesses. Is yours ready?
Remote working is the new norm for many businesses. Is yours ready?

27 July 2020

- The real challenges of managing virtual teams
- The benefits of a remote working model and why it should be part of your workplace strategy
- How to effectively implement a remote working model in your organisation


Avail of the new Business Continuity Voucher worth €2,500
Avail of the new Business Continuity Voucher worth €2,500

08 April 2020

Business Continuity Voucher to the value of €2,500 now available for Irish companies with up to 50 employees. It is part of the governments’ business supports package during the Covid 19 pandemic. The scheme is available through Local Enterprise Offices and is designed for businesses across every sector.


How to Stop Panic in a Time of Crisis Covid-19
How to Stop Panic in a Time of Crisis Covid-19

16 March 2020

Communication is the backbone of every company but is even more important at a time of crisis. While a lot of companies focus on communicating with their customers, your priority needs to lie first and foremost with your staff the reasons being 1. to protect them against heightened stress and panic and 2. they are often in direct communication with your customers.
Given the sheer volume of information out there and the speed at which it is being updated it is understandable that staff are confused and concerned. So as managers, business owners and leaders it is important to clarify information, separate facts from the fiction and provide clear guidance to your staff.


How to Win the War for Talent
How to Win the War for Talent

14 February 2020

Did you know that the cost of replacing an employee in Ireland is circa €14,000. You might be surprised by that figure but remember that recruitment is a much more prolonged process than sourcing a new member of staff. It includes employee on-boarding and upskilling in company procedures and policies, lost productivity until they are up to speed, managing the impact on other employees and building trust. In the current climate of low unemployment and staff turnover on the rise, the competition to retain the best staff and attract the brightest talent is definitely on.


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Contact Lorraine

a: Knowth, Slane, Co. Meath, Ireland
m: +353 87 254 9434
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